Friday, 22 July 2011


Hey everyone,
So I purchased Windosill today. It's a small game (made with flash) and it's only $3 on Steam. It's a puzzler and it seems to involve some interesting physics. I will admit, it was great fun (kind of trippy too...) but it is WAYYYYY too short! I was kind of disappointed that I finished it so fast (In about 20 minutes?) But, then again, I guess it was only $3.

At a minimum, however, I believe it is worth checking out!


  1. Yeh $3 isnt that much, you'd spend that on the bus! Will check it out, keep up the good posts, my steam account will be full by the end of the month!

  2. It should be for free if you can finish it in 20minutes:)

  3. ill give this ago i got 20 mins to spare xD

  4. puzzle games are my favorite too

  5. Oh yes I love puzzle games too. I'll check this out and see if I can buy because beiung jobless is kind of... ya know hahaha.

  6. I had great fun playing this, i agree, it's way too short.

  7. I don't know if its worth it for me. maybe if it were free.

  8. 20 minutes is way too short, even for 3 dollars.

  9. A games true worth is how much you enjoy it :) Pretty colours make not a game. Or a movie for that matter. At least you had fun, and it was cheap :) I recently completed a game that cost £15 in about...6 hours I think, but I thought to myself it was quite cheap, and I really enjoyed those six hours, so it was totally worth it.

  10. I;m just now getting into PC gaming. I'll have to try it out.

  11. Your blog is awesome! Can you provide some screenshots of the games you play? It would be interesting to have some visual :)
    Keep it up it's great! + follow!

  12. Might have to try it out, maybe you should post a gameplay video?
